Serigraph Creating:

Howard developed his style of fine art silk screen printing (Serigraphs) using a clear jelly base, which he added pigments to create his own color scheme. The stencil block out was made from a glue, he said was from the hoofs of cattle :). An oil based (tush) as resist would dry and be later washed out with paint thinner to let the transparent paint he forced using hand squeegee and shoulder muscle power into the paper below, one color at a time, up to six colors to create his unique style… Many prints were ruined in this process. In the end he would have a small edition of finished prints that Howard the artist would sign and number. This whole process in the day required one to be working with paint fumes… Dad you were amazing to create this very large body of work by hand.

Photo below Howard is hanging prints out to dry on his clothes pin rack...